Getting married is not the ultimate goal, writes oni ni'mah.
Getting Married Marriage is NOT the ultimate goal. Pleasing Allaah IS the ultimate goal. I wonder if I’m the only one who has this mentality. Because I’m always shocked at the way people rush to get married these days, especially sisters. Sisters who I know so well. And then, when you examine the men that they are so in a hurry to get married to…the feeling is just disappointment. For one, these sisters themselves are still going through certain struggles that most of us go through. The hijaab, niqaab, seeking and acquiring the right knowledge, family issues etc. If you ask them how much of the Qur’aan they have memorized or which book of Aqeedah or Fiqh they have actually sat down to learn under a qualified teacher, they just laugh and brush it off as if it’s a joke. But at the mention of marriage, they get all giggly and overexcited. They are all for it. It annoys me. I wonder if they think that marriage is a bed of roses. Or maybe some fairytale where some ‘Knight In Shini...