Never allow depression to take over your life.
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Depression is an extremely complex disease that none knows exactly what causes it, but it can surface for varieties of reasons. Serious illness may lead to depression, some may be due to life changes or the death of a loved one. Some even have depression due to overwhelmed sadness and loneliness for no reason. Let us look at what actually leads to depression. ABUSE: Physical, sexual or emotional abuse may lead to depression, and this might eventually lead to a severe problem beyond control if not taking care for at earlier stage. CERTAIN MEDICATION: Drugs like isotretinoin (acne correction) may also lead to depression due to pain it gives when applied, and some other drugs that induced pain in man. CONFLICTS: Conflicts between you and the people around you also result in depression if one is unable to get rid of it as earlier as possible. DEATH OR A LOSS: loss of properti...
Getting married is not the ultimate goal, writes oni ni'mah.
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Getting Married Marriage is NOT the ultimate goal. Pleasing Allaah IS the ultimate goal. I wonder if I’m the only one who has this mentality. Because I’m always shocked at the way people rush to get married these days, especially sisters. Sisters who I know so well. And then, when you examine the men that they are so in a hurry to get married to…the feeling is just disappointment. For one, these sisters themselves are still going through certain struggles that most of us go through. The hijaab, niqaab, seeking and acquiring the right knowledge, family issues etc. If you ask them how much of the Qur’aan they have memorized or which book of Aqeedah or Fiqh they have actually sat down to learn under a qualified teacher, they just laugh and brush it off as if it’s a joke. But at the mention of marriage, they get all giggly and overexcited. They are all for it. It annoys me. I wonder if they think that marriage is a bed of roses. Or maybe some fairytale where some ‘Knight In Shini...
Mass burial of of plateau people.
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Mass Burial Of more than 100 People were Killed By Herdsmen In Plateau On Saturday. This call for an immediate action from all humanity. We must not fold our hand and be silent, we must act. It can be one of us tomorrow. This would be one of the biggest mass killing in Nigeria among a number of mass murders that has been perpetrated by the feared Fulani herdsmen. some photos from the plateau attack below:
Ali baanat last message to the world.
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This humble soul called Ali Banat was diagnosed with cancer three years ago, and his life changed ever since. He turned what many see as a setback into a gift. Last night at Maghrib he returned to the creator of all (Inna Lilah wa inna ilayhi raji’oun) We belong to Allah and to him we shall return. (2:156) What a blessed month for such a beautiful soul to be taken, we prayed he's one of the dweller of paradise. May Allah grant him the highest rank in Jannah, and give him a warm, and beautiful resting place for the good he brought to so many. He was diagnosed with 7 months to live, having his own countdown of his death but Allah is the one who knows the exact time for a soul to be taken, he was granted 3years after the diagnosed. Without doubt, most muslims and non-islam faith that watch the heartbreaking video posted by brother Ali Banat on his instagram page will be touched by his journey of cancel. He believed in that moment that the time is up and his pr...
Let us Save Abiola, let us Save humanity.
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Earlier this year, we started a fundraising campaign for my brother who needed to go to india for a bone marrow transplant, however, due to unforeseen complications, we have now realised that we will be needing an additional 6.7 million naira to complete his treatment. Please help to share with your friends, donate, prat for him. We believe that with God, Abiola will stand again and he will live to fulfill all his dreams. Ameen. RemenRem saving a soul is as if you are saving the whole humanity. Forward all donations to: Abiola Abdulwaheed Abimbola 0693199843 Access Bank.
Conjoined twins was successfully separated in Federal medical centre, Yola North-East Nigeria.
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Medical surgeons yesterday at federal medical center, Yola North-east Nigeria successfully separated a twins. It is a great plus for the Nigeria medical line. The parents of the twins was so happy with the operation and gave thanks to God for sparing their children. Some of the pictures before and after operation of the twins.